3 Tips when meeting your new dentist


I met my new dentist, last month, same practise and I was nervous. She asked me questions and I forgot most of the answers.

Tip one; Question one. How often do you brush your teeth? I brush and floss in the morning and afternoon and at lunch time. So, I carry dental floss and two interdental floss brushes and use those when I am away from home. The dental hygienist was so impressed by my routine that she gave me a gold star and no further visits. A saving of £80.00 per visit, I am happy with that.

Tip 2. What do you brush your teeth with? Well I have a soft tooth brush and a Miswack stick. I chose a beautiful soft toothbrush which I enjoyed using. Then I graduated to a Miswack stick or twig. The twig is really easy to use; after stripping the bark away and cutting a half an inch off, chewing the end so it looks like a brush I was ready to go.

A question she did not ask was how do you brush your teeth?

Very gently, each tooth has it’s allocated time from top to bottom with a soft vibration and held between two fingers and a relaxed wrist.

Tip 3 Question 3 Do you drink fizzy drinks? Yes, I used to love the Italian lemonade drink and the sugarless lemonade. I started just putting a few drops in a drink of water and wonder what to do with the remainder of the can ? That way it took a long time to finish the bottle or can. So, now I can say without hesitation. No, I drink water. My new dentist smiled when I said that.

There are more tips on the www.yourhappymouth.com

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.


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