Cellular Memory


Cellular Memory is one of the Access Body Processes, which can change things for the better.

Last year whilst travelling up to Scotland by car, I used it on myself. We had had a break at a service station and were resuming our journey. I sat down and turned my head to put my seat belt on. My husband got in the car and swung his elbow to get his seatbelt. My head was in the way and got the full force of the blow. It hurt and brought tears to my eyes. Luckily I remembered cellular memory as being useful for accidents and I used it. I put my hands on top of my head and asked for it to run. Several miles later the pain had reduced and eventually went.

On another occasion a friend got stung by a wasp and I asked if he would like me to run this process on his finger. He agreed and I asked for it to run and it did. His finger was red and swollen and quite painful. A month later he said he had returned home and the swelling had gone down, he showed me his finger and it was smooth and matched the others. Both times I also used rescue remedy and the two seemed to work really well together.

I am using it currently to heal a scar from an operation I had some years ago.

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.


Secrets of a long and happy life