Secrets of a long and happy life


Okinawa is an island just south west of Japan where the world’s longest living people, live. A study done by Canadian researchers over a 25 year period found 10 key areas which could have contributed to this.

I cover five of the points here.

  1. Their diet is rich in fruit and vegetables, up to 10 daily. Included rice, chicken, meat, pork, fish. Cholesterol levels were low when tested.

  2. They celebrated births, deaths, weddings funerals and other local customs, through traditional dancing and music and arts.

  3. All religions are welcome.

  4. Boys and girls play non-competitive games, traditionally.

  5. They had high levels of physical activity, one research participant a 90 year old was found cutting sugar cane at the back of his home.

The book “The Okinawa Way” describes all the points.

I was fortunate to visit the island and could see those long lived and happy people. What would give us in the West a long and happy life?

May I suggest the following?

  • Have more fun, only you know what fun is for you.

  • Have a quiet period during the day for a 3 to 5 minute relaxation.

  • Move, some people enjoy a run other just require a gentle 10 minute stroll.

  • Go into nature more, especially when winter comes.

  • Be grateful for all the little things that make life wonderful.

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.

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